Sundays 9:00 am - 10:30 pm ( Trailer1 )
Wednesday 8:00 pm (GBS: Group Bible Study)
JESUS COMMUNITY (Multi-Ethnic English Ministry)
1. Declaring, Displaying, and Delighting in the GOSPEL through JESUS COMMUNITY
2. Relying on the works of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Word of God, in Jesus` name.
1. Healing, teaching, and evangelizing the people.
2. Multiplying Gospel-centered Disciples.
3. Fostering small groups and strengthening local churches.
Ministry Spirit
1. A disciple devoted to worshiping God.
2. A disciple committed to loving their family.
3. A disciple who serves as a model of leadership.
4. A chosen priest and a holy nation, a disciple called to be the light and salt of the world.
5. A disciple dedicated to constantly reading and meditating on the Word.