1. To nurture and empower the next generation of spiritual warriors, like David, who stand courageously against the Goliaths of this world.
2. Our children will grow as ‘holy stones,’ launched by faith and grounded in the Word, to make a transformative impact for God’s kingdom.
1. Holy Stone Ministry aims to shape young hearts through dynamic worship, deep biblical engagement, and active service.
2. We are committed to fostering a community where children learn to embody the values of leadership, family love, and spiritual discipline.
3. Our purpose is to equip them not just to face the world’s challenges but to overcome them with the strength and character of David, using their God-given talents and virtues.
Ministry Spirit
1. Honor God
2. Open Hearts
3. Love Unconditionally
4. Yielding to the Spirit
5. Serve Others
6. Teach the Word
7. Overcome Through Faith
8. Nurture Growth
9. Encourage Community