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♨️NEW♨️ ⬛️ Recruitment for Sunday School Teachers (Elementary Level) (KOR / ENG)
2025-01-18 05:54:27
Pastor Joshua Jo
조회수   27

♨️ 2025 유초등부 교사 모집♨️
< 주일 역할 > 
1. 아이들 맞이하기.
2. 반별로 함께 예배.
3. 아이들 근황 및 안부.
4. 학년별 활동지 함께 풀기.
5. 핵심 내용 및 구절 재강조.
6. 학생 식사 함께 하기.
7. 뒷정리
8. 출석 보고
<주중 역할>
9. 공과 준비
10.아이들을 위한 기도
섬겨 보면, 정말 보람되고, 재미있는 사역이 주일학교 교사 사역입니다.
저도 중학교때 부터 시작해서, 지금까지 쉬지 않고 하고 있는데요, 그간 자라나고 성인이되고 청년이된 친구들을 보면, 정말 보람이 큽니다.
하나님께서 맡겨주신 영혼들을 가르치는 사역만큼 영광스러운 일이 또 어디있겠습니까!
함께 하시죠~!🙏🔥🔥🔥


♨️ 2025 Recruitment for Sunday School Teachers (Elementary Level) ♨️

< Sunday Responsibilities >

  1. Welcoming the children.
  2. Participating in worship service with the class.
  3. Checking in on the kids' recent updates and well-being.
  4. Completing activity sheets together, by grade level.
  5. Emphasizing the key message and Bible verses.
  6. Sharing a meal with the students.
  7. Cleaning up afterward.
  8. Submitting attendance reports.

< Weekday Responsibilities >
9. Preparing lesson materials.
10. Praying for the children.

Serving as a Sunday school teacher is a truly rewarding and joyful ministry.

I began this journey when I was in middle school and have been doing it ever since. Watching the kids grow up, mature, and become young adults has been incredibly fulfilling.

What could be more glorious than the ministry of teaching the souls God has entrusted to us?

Let’s serve together! 🙏🔥🔥🔥


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