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⬛️ [Hidden Treasure: Jesus]
⬜️ Jesus is the hidden treasure worth everything we have, the one who fills our lives with purpose, joy, and eternal hope.
🟨 When we give our all for the Kingdom of God, we’re not losing; we’re gaining something far greater than we could ever plan for ourselves.
🟧 This life of surrender brings true fulfillment, because Jesus promises that those who seek first His kingdom will find all they need and more.
🟥 Today, the Lord speaks to His beloved:
“My child, when you give up earthly treasures for my Kingdom, you will find riches that never fade.
What I have prepared for you goes beyond anything you can imagine.
In me, you have eternal life that overcomes all things(Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 2:9, John 16:33).”
✝️ Let’s live knowing that Jesus, our hidden treasure, is worth every sacrifice, and that through Him we hold eternal life that conquers all.
#HiddenTreasure #SeekHisKingdom #JesusAboveAll #JesusCommunity #MultiEthnic #EnglishMinistry #KoreanFirstPresbyterianChurch #HolyStoneMinistry
Joohyung Joshua Jo
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