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⬛️ I BELIEVE ⬛️ Chapter 4 - I Believe in God the Holy Spirit
2025-01-31 06:43:11
Pastor Joshua Jo
조회수   11

Summary of Chapter 4: I Believe in God the Holy Spirit
(By Men's Group Leader Thomas)

For much of the author’s time in church, little was taught about the Holy Spirit. While teachings on God the Father and God the Son were common, the role and work of the Holy Spirit were often overlooked. Some churches emphasize the Spirit in ways not entirely grounded in Scripture, while others rarely mention Him. A biblically balanced understanding of the Holy Spirit is essential, with the Bible as the ultimate authority.

The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit is often misunderstood because the term "spirit" may not immediately suggest personhood. However, the Bible clearly presents the Holy Spirit as a person with emotions, intellect, and will. Ephesians 4:30 warns against grieving the Holy Spirit, showing that He can feel sorrow. In Acts 10:20, the Spirit gives Peter direct commands, demonstrating His role as an active guide. The Holy Spirit can also be deceived, as seen in Acts 5:3-9 when Ananias and Sapphira lie to Him. These characteristics affirm that the Holy Spirit is not a mere force but a personal being.

The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Bible
The Holy Spirit was present at creation (Genesis 1:2) and remains actively involved in believers' lives. Jesus described the Spirit as a teacher (John 14:26), continuing His instruction to believers. The Spirit provides clarity in understanding God’s Word and plays a role in prayer, as stated in Romans 8:26. When believers struggle to pray, the Spirit intercedes on their behalf.
Another important role of the Holy Spirit is conviction of sin (John 16:8). He reveals sin, guides believers toward righteousness, and warns of judgment. His presence helps Christians grow spiritually. The Holy Spirit also serves as an Advocate, Helper, and Counselor, walking alongside believers to offer guidance and comfort (John 14:16). The Greek word for "advocate" (parakleton) means "called alongside," reinforcing His role in believers' lives.

The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Life
Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life to believers (John 3:3-8). While all people have physical life, only those who are born again receive spiritual life through the Spirit. In the Old Testament, the Spirit’s presence was temporary and selective, but in the New Testament, He permanently indwells all believers (John 14:16-17). This change began at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the early church (Acts 2:1-4), marking the beginning of His ongoing work in believers.
The Holy Spirit is a vital part of the Christian faith. He teaches, convicts, guides, and empowers believers, ensuring their spiritual growth. Understanding His role brings a deeper appreciation of God’s presence in the lives of His people.


Explain how the Bible teaches clearly that the Holy Spirit is a person.
What does it mean for us today that the Holy Spirit is our Advocate?
How can the Holy Spirit teach you and convict you today?


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