Community Board
⬛️ [In My Control vs. Out of My Control]
⬜️ There are so many things in life that we try to control, but the truth is, not everything is within our power.
🟨 It’s important to recognize what’s in our control—our Actions, our Attitudes, and our Responses—and to do our best in those areas.
🟧But it’s equally important to acknowledge what’s out of our control, and to trust God with those things.
🟥 When we release what we can’t control into God’s hands, we find peace and freedom, knowing that He is sovereign and working for our good.
✝️ Today, the Lord’s hearts for you:
"Trust in ME with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
(Proverbs 3:5)
#InMyControl #OutOfMyControl #TrustInGod #Proverbs35 #JesusCommunity #MultiEthnic #EnglishMinistry #KoreanFirstPresbyterianChurch #HolyStoneMinistry
Joohyung Joshua Jo
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